Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Living on Looney Lane

I guess you could say I'm a country girl now. We moved into Looney Lane on Saturday so the two acres and the 100 year old farmhouse are probably proof enough. I will say that it is beautiful outside, the perfect place to take a relaxing bike ride, enjoying the scenery right? Wrong! I guess I found that out yesterday...

The house is clean, the majority of the boxes are unpacked, and my mom has sent us outside to burn off some energy. So I get out my bike and am riding around "exploring." Well, it just so happens that there is a creek that goes through the land. It's surrounded with thick green grass and mossy trees that wrap themselves around the bank. It looks like a perfect spot to ride my bike and walk around. So I ride out. WELL, somewhere in between the creek and the road I realize that the beautiful grass is nothing more than a miniature swamp. My bike gets stuck and I'm forced to try to wheel it out, too far in to turn back. By now my shoes are squishing with water and mud. Finally I get to the edge of the swamp. I'm now walking on mud. Aaah...this is better than the swamp. I walk to the edge of the water and then....I slip and am sliding down the bank until SPLASH! I'm in the water up to my waist, with my bike in ice cold, muddy water and I'm standing on something soft and squishy at the bottom! "This kind of thing only happens in movies." I mutter as I struggle, and fail to get myself out. Finally I succeed in grabbing hold of a low hanging tree branch and crawl out. I don't think I have to tell you that I was a mess. My jeans were entirely soaked, mud was smeared along most of my face, my hair was a mess, and I was freezing!
Well, it just so happens that a little hill, slick with mud, slopes down into the creek. I have two choices: Try to drag my bike up this hill (while avoiding sliding and falling back into the water) or dragging it across the bank and through the swamp. Well, I tried fruitlessly to get my bike up the hill and managed to fall in the mud several times in the process when who should come around the corner? My younger brother and sister both on and perfectly in control of their bikes. Cade, biked over and grinned when he said, "Do you need some help, there?"
He managed to get the bike out while I scramble to the top of the hill where Claire is waiting, "Kailyn, you're soaked. How did you manage to get your jeans wet? Did you fall in? How did you manage to do this? Oh, my goodness, mom is going to be so mad! How did you manage to do this to yourself?"
"Claire, would you please just get me inside!"

Anyway, the three of us made a master plan for Claire to sneak into the house and get me some extra clothes, then she would unlock the laundry room door and I would sneak through, change my clothes and throw them into the dryer.
Well, this was all great until my mom finds the muddy, socks, shoes and jeans in her dryer. Although I had given her the rundown of my experience in the creek she was not exactly thrilled to find little muddy rocks populating the bottom of her dryer.

I guess you could say everything ended happily ever after. I cleaned the dryer, changed my clothes and stayed inside. I haven't even caught a cold yet! Maybe it's just me but I don't think the country is the BEST place for me....


  1. ILYTAMYLACWTGYABH (guess who?)

  2. Kailyn this story is adorable, you should write children's books. My mind could totally picture everything you were saying and I haven't even been there. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  3. Kailyn, thanks for sharing your muddy experience. Please give the country another try. It truly is part of God"s beautiful creation. We will pray for you during this transition time into a new world.

    Darlene Knox
