Monday, March 29, 2010

Another one of Kailyn's brilliant ideas!

I'm kind of known for getting really big, fabulous (?!) ideas. My cousins, and siblings found evidence of that just last week! We found a notebook with the brilliant ideas, rules, and guidelines of a club I had attempted to start....

Several years ago, I had an amazing idea to start a club with my cousins, (Annsley and Seth) and brother and sister, (Cade and Claire. Emily and Ashley weren't around yet!) I chose my title, "Kings Kids Writing and Reading Best Friends Forever Club" or KKWARBFFC.
The Kings Kids I got because we were Jesus (the kings) children. I don't know where the writing and reading came in, I think I planned to start something where we read a book and wrote something about it. Keep in mind, our ages range from 4-9 or so. The best friends part, well...I guess I thought we were all best friends! Later, Seth commented, "I'm not really best friends with you guys," so we were forced to change our title to, "Kings Kids Writing and Reading Club."

Well, we even got our own "government" together, with Annsley being the president, me being the secretary, and Seth being the vice president. We never could decide on what Cade and Claire would be. They went from the garbage men, to the prayer committee, to the spies?!
Anyway, we assembled some rules, 20 of them actually. I'll just write a few of them down because you'd probably fall asleep by the seventh.

Always obey all the laws (really?!)
All members of the club must practice the play at least once everytime we get together if possible (when we said must, we meant must. Even on January 1rst could there be no exceptions. By the way, we usually have next years play planned before that years is finished.)
You must have a trial before you are punished(we had a whole system of judges, punishments, and strikes.)
Don't bribe (I added rules like crazy. One time when I thought Cade was "bribing" Claire to do something for him, I added "Don't Bribe," and it got scribbled into the notebook.)
Don't blame (What are you supposed to do, "Who hit you?" "I'm sorry, I can't say I don't want to blame.)

Our strike system might be familiar....
1. warning
2. short talk outside (delivered by... you guessed it!)
3. trial with the three oldest counsel members (we managed to overlook the fact that a couple of the counsel members were often the ones in need of strikes.)

Our ideas for punishments were things like, "No playing with play mobile." or "We must wear costumes while we practice the play."

When somebody disobeyed I wrote this down in my notebook, "We are not doing this to be mean just to love others."

I compiled a purpose statement: (this is word for word, by the way.)

"This is not a club of rules, but a club of friendship. We may forget the rules but our friendship will last forever-" (added on the end,) "to glorify God and love one another."

Wow, if I was making up clubs like that at the age of nine, you'd better watch out in a few years!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Sanchez family goes to the dentist

It's dentist time for the Sanchez family! Our family goes to Dr. Maloney's office. It's this little building, with two assistants and a very sweet receptionist. You hardly sit down, before the assistants come to take us two by two to get our teeth cleaned! The waiting room is very tiny, and our clan kind of takes it all up. The other day while we were waiting, a man walked in. He stopped, taking it all in.... big backpack full of stuff partially pushed under a chair, books scattered over the floor, Emily and Ashley fighting over a toy, me laying down on two chairs reading.... He sat down gingerly and looked extremely relieved when about two seconds later this smiling face peeked out from the other side of the door, "Are you ready for your appointment Mr. so and so?"

Well, today I was getting my twelve year old molars sealed so I went in at 7:30. I had just started a story in a magazine about a waitress saving a man's life, when the receptionist peeks around the corner. "Oh, my goodness Kailyn. I didn't hear you come in! I'm so sorry! You know we just got the door's hinges oiled, and so now I can't hear it when people come in and I could hardly hear it before, and....."

Well, Dr. Maloney came into my room. By the way, he always has this huge smile plastered on his face, so he's working on my teeth, and he has this smile!!! While he was working on my teeth he kept telling me everything he was doing. I mean, every single step! I like to know what's going on in my mouth, but not that much! When I was finished, he smiled even wider and said, "Thanks so much for your help, Kailyn. You really made it easy by keeping your mouth wide open!" (That would have been kinda weird if I just closed it!)

Overall he's a very nice dentist, and we were in and out of there in fifteen minutes, so I'm not gonna complain!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Our New Car!

And we got it.... We finally bought the long awaited van yesterday! It's pretty cool, and we're all really excited about it! Yippee! Praise the Lord!

Monday, March 15, 2010

More of my adventures in the wrestling world!

I guess a lot of you have seen Cade's wrestling videos! He did pretty well! (I mean, win a gold at your first match, pretty good!) :) But I mean, gold medals can be over-rated. Let's continue the saga of Kailyn's adventures at the wrestling match!

....and so here we are, continuing the attempts of Kailyn, (sometimes successful) to entertain herself as she waits for wrestling matches. Well, we got there at 11:30, early enough to start weigh-in, but turns out they are doing the heavier weight class first, going down to the lowest one, which Cade is in. So, we got to watch some 100 pound boys, (and one girl) wrestle each other. By the way, girls and wrestling, I'll save that for another post! Of course, I didn't watch the whole thing. I took Emily and Ashley on a walk. On it we learned some very useful information....

1. You can go up to a lady and she will give you some food
2. Yelling does not work when Ashley runs away.
3. Bathrooms are very interesting places, partly because you press a button and water comes out, and these long pieces of paper come out of this machine.
4. There are lots of people to get handouts from, while waiting to watch Cade.
5. At a public place your sister is much more apt to do random stuff, such as teaching you to slide down the handrail!
Yes, there was no one around, and I was very bored, so I copied the idea from several fourth graders standing around. (Not a very smart idea!) So, Emily was sliding down, when Mrs. Long, (Logan wrestles with Cade) starts walking up the stairs. Oops! "Um, hi, what are you doing?" "Emily and I were just playing...."

Well, anyway, maybe you can apply these wonderful tidbits of info to your personal sports life. (or your brother's.)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Crazy award of the Year!

These are my very interesting sisters, in some very interesting pictures!

That is some wild hair, Emily! Emily always manages to look like a scarecrow in the morning, but Ashley....

Ashley on the other hand, somehow manages to keep her hair nearly perfect!

Emily just learned how to do this, and does it at the most random times! It's really funny!

One day, you guys are gonna get older and you're gonna see I'm getting my kicks from you! Love you guys!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Circus of The Year!

You don't need to go very far to see a circus, in fact, there is one right here, in the Sanchez home! Better yet, why not read about it from the comfort of your home, while I take you on a fabulous trip to see the circus of your dreams! Well, one of the best ways to illustrate our very own circus is to go to the kitchen, where my family is just starting dinner....

Dad-....and we thank you for this food, amen!"
Mom-"Cade, why don't you just ask for someone to pass the pears, you don't need to reach so far!"
Dad-"So how was your day?"
Kailyn-"Can you pass the spaghetti?"
Claire-"Can somebody roll up Emily's sleeves, she's getting them in the sauce?"
Cade-"I was just saying good to daddy."
Dad-"That's all it was, just good?"
Kailyn-"Did you know that Fletcher is still a vegetarian?"
Cade-"He actually told you that?"
Kailyn-"No, he announced it in front of class."
Mom-"How is Fletcher?"
Dad-"Can somebody wipe Ashley's face. Is this topic of general interest?"
Claire-"What's general interest Daddy?"
Kailyn-"He was just wondering if Fletcher was really interesting to the rest of the family."
Mom-"So how was your day, honey?"
Dad-"Oh, pretty good. I met with..."
Kailyn-"Oh, do you know what? My teacher passed out these eight page booklets and told us she wanted us to read them. I mean, how many junior highers are actually going to understand the north and south poles of magnetism just by reading about them."
Cade-"And then there was this singing class...."
Dad-"I think I was telling mom about my meeting."
Cade-"Oh, I'm really sorry daddy, but can I tell you about the singing class?"
Mom-"Hon, can you give Emily some more spaghetti, she's asking for it."
Cade and Mom-"Thanks."
Cade-"So, we were trying to read, and this singing class was going on next door and it was really hard to focus 'cause she just kept lalalalaing....."

Well, that's just a little taste of our own personal circus. And by the way, the show times are:

Monday: 7:00am-9:00pm
Tuesday: 7:00am-9:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am-9:00pm
Sunday: 7:00am-9:00pm

Saturday, March 6, 2010

My job in the wrestling world!

Today I was schooled in what my job is in the wrestling world. The answer: to cheer at the appropriate moments, to support my brother, and to never, at any moment, under any circumstances, give some of my personal counsel to him. He was supposed to be warming up, and I thought he hadn't warmed up nearly enough, so I took it upon myself to tell him that he should be on the mat practicing instead of sitting on the bleachers with me. As you might guess, this lovingly meant counsel was not exactly appreciated.

As you can see, all of us girls had our different methods of entertaining ourselves.

Ashley.... Entertained herself by walking up and down the stairs next to the bleachers.

Emily.... Was entertained by asking to be taken on walks, stealing fruit snacks from a little boy next to us, and eventually joining Ashley on her quest to lose weight by walking up and down the stairs.

Claire.... Enjoyed walking with Emily, following my dad around, and wearing Cade's wrestling t-shirt when he went onto the mat.

Kailyn.... Read some books that she had already read three times, repeatedly checked the clock, complained about how we had gotten there way too early and how she was claustrophobic, begged money from Grandma, and pestered her nervous brother with questions about when he was going to be wrestling.
I wasn't exactly the model sister today.

Anyway, he did great, and won two out of three of his one minute matches! I posted a clip of his third match which he did win!

Cade's Wrestling Meet from Roland Sanchez on Vimeo.

Friday, March 5, 2010

What happens when you leave, mom!

My parents occasionally go out and leave me in charge of making dinner and putting the girls to bed. It can get pretty hectic....The other night was no exception.

We were having leftover soup, so the cooking wasn't a big deal but that doesn't mean everybody wanted to eat what there was.

So my parents leave and I start getting the soup out of the fridge and bowls down from the cupboard. Cade walks in, "Do we have to have soup?" I might mention that one of the soups is beef vegetable and the other is tortellini. He likes tortellini but he just had it the other day and beef vegetable is definitely not his favorite!

"Yes, you need to have soup."
"Because mom said so."
"She did not!"
"Yes, she did!"
"Well, can't I just have cereal?"
"No, you can have tortellini or beef. If you have beef you can pick out the carrots."
"But I want cereal."

On that happy note I poured soup for each of us. We all sat down at the table....

Kailyn-"Emily and Ashley are going to watch our movie with us."
Cade-"NO, I do not want them with us, they are really naughty."
Kailyn-But we won't...(to Emily) you want water? What do you say? Okay." I get up to refill her cup. "Anyway, we won't be able to....Watch out Claire, she's spilling her water!"
Claire"You didn't put the lid on tight enough."
Kailyn-"I didn't put the lid on, you did! Like I was saying, if we don't watch
Cade-"Oooo, cool, she has a little pool of water in her bib!"

Why do I get the feeling that nobody cares about what I have to say?
By this time Emily has decided that soup is more fun to chop up in tiny bits then to eat. I give her the firm command to , 'no play, you need to eat.'

We finish our meal and start on our ice cream, all except Emily, who has still not finished her soup. (I have already told her that she will get no ice cream because she was a slow eater.) Just then, she holds up her empty bowl. 'Ice Cream, please?' Who could resist that smiling face? I start dishing up ice cream for her....

Cade-"Why are you giving her ice cream?"
Kailyn-"Because she finished her food."
Cade-"But you told her she wasn't gonna get any ice cream."
Kailyn-"I know, but she did finish her soup. I thought maybe she deserved it."
Claire-"You never stick to your punishments for her."
Kailyn-She's fine."
Claire-"You're too soft-hearted!"

Well, we clean up the kitchen and head downstairs to watch our movie. We watch with Emily and Ashley for a little bit, but then put them in my room to play "trains." For about ten minutes all we hear are the cheerful giggles of toddlers, but then....
"Waaaaaaa!" We rush in the room to find Ashley sobbing, pointing at her older sister, the picture of innocence. Come to find out, Emily bit Ashley. This is not the first time either. So Emily gets to go to bed, Ashley gets to be rocked, and my parents get an earful when they return from their date.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Front Yard and Little Sisters! Part Two

Okay, so you think I would have learned, that when you want to play with your little sister you don't do it in the front yard, it just doesn't mix! But did I learn, no...

I got Emily up from her nap and brought her downstairs where we had a glass of chocolate milk and licked the bowl from my mom's banana bread. Okay, we're starting off pretty good. Sisterly bonding is on its way! But then I decided to take her on an excursion on a bike. Don't ask me why, she had enjoyed it the day before. Once again, I underestimate how long a three-year-old can be entertained by something. We rode the bike down the driveway and up and down the sidewalk. I checked on her and she had a snot-crusted nose, her hair is in her face, her teeth are chattering, and no she's not smiling! Not a good sign. But I was having a good time riding down the sidewalk and it's all about me right? So Cade rides up and I ask him to check on Emily. Bad idea. She reaches out to him with eyes as mournful as Ashley's were the other day. Sadly, Emily joins Ashley back at the house. When I checked on her ten minutes later she was happily playing with her doll. Go figure, where am I on your priority list?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Front Yard and Little Sisters!

The other day Ashley asked me if she could play outside. "Run, please?" I obliged. I took her into the front yard and left her on the grass with the brief command to, "go, run." Whatever that means! Then I went to go shoot some baskets. I'm aiming at the basket when this frantic waving catches my attention. I underestimated the ability of a three-year-old to entertain herself by running back and forth across the lawn. I went over to her and consented when she asked to 'throw the ball.' I lifted her up to the hoop and she threw the ball at it. It bounced on the ground and rolled away. I set her down and she began to run after it. "Stop!" Oops, that doesn't do anything does it? I chase her, deposit her on the sidewalk and chase the ball. After I have caught both my fleeing ball and my sister I drop her off back at the house. Big, tearful eyes are the only thing that lets me, groaning, pick her up and send her off to "run" again. Three seconds later I'm lifting a giggling toddler up to the hoop again. This seems vaguely familiar. Needless to say she is promptly dropped back off at the house.

Moral of the Story: If you want to play with your little sister, do it in the backyard. The front yard is just too hazardous!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Just Beginning....

If you're reading this now I want you to know the purpose for "Kailyn's Kolumn." I love writing, it's one of the ways I process things. I love the challenge of expressing my thoughts in a clear interesting way. Through this blog I want to express my thoughts to you. This is an avenue for me to write, to share with you part of mine and my family's life. Happy Reading!