Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Front Yard and Little Sisters! Part Two

Okay, so you think I would have learned, that when you want to play with your little sister you don't do it in the front yard, it just doesn't mix! But did I learn, no...

I got Emily up from her nap and brought her downstairs where we had a glass of chocolate milk and licked the bowl from my mom's banana bread. Okay, we're starting off pretty good. Sisterly bonding is on its way! But then I decided to take her on an excursion on a bike. Don't ask me why, she had enjoyed it the day before. Once again, I underestimate how long a three-year-old can be entertained by something. We rode the bike down the driveway and up and down the sidewalk. I checked on her and she had a snot-crusted nose, her hair is in her face, her teeth are chattering, and no she's not smiling! Not a good sign. But I was having a good time riding down the sidewalk and it's all about me right? So Cade rides up and I ask him to check on Emily. Bad idea. She reaches out to him with eyes as mournful as Ashley's were the other day. Sadly, Emily joins Ashley back at the house. When I checked on her ten minutes later she was happily playing with her doll. Go figure, where am I on your priority list?

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