Sunday, January 1, 2012

Seven in Seattle part 2

The rehearsal dinner was held in a incredibly fancy room, at the very top of the hotel with an amazing view. Smiling waiters walked around, balancing delicate trays with appetizers on them. Soft music played. It was beautiful. As a waiter walked over near our family, he offered us an appetizer from his tray. There were about six or seven dainty bits of food resting on the tray and when we’d each taken one, it was empty. The waiter took back his tray, smiling awkwardly as he retreated from the room to fill his tray again. Although he might have tried to avoid us there wasn’t much he could do, with five hungry kids who hadn’t eaten since 11:30 (it was close to 7:30) stalking him. I think we kind of forgot the meaning of the word appetizer.
There was a small room, where you could go to get a drink made. While some people were drinking wine, our family opted for soda, (with the promise that we could drink some champagne the next night at the wedding.  Everybody was dressed in fancy dresses, slacks and shirts. They walked around, chatting softly, sipping champagne. Guess where my little sisters had planted themselves? On the floor, doing pushups. “No, honey, we don’t need to be doing pushups at the rehearsal dinner.”
Dinner was delicious…rare steak, light mashed potatoes, and sautéed zucchini. No biscuits n’ gravy there. It was a very nice evening.
The next morning, we had all day before the 6:00 wedding so we decided to sightsee around downtown Seattle. We walked across the street to a small café for breakfast. After ordering, our Chinese waiter began arriving with steaming plates of food. Holding a mug of tea, he angled himself behind Cade, muttering a warning in his accent, “Hot behind!” he said to Cade.
We managed to choke down our laughter until he left…I think my dad milked that one for as long as he could. After breakfast we went back to the hotel to directions to Pike’s Place Market. The concierge unrolled a map.
“It’s a good one mile one way,” he said, “It might be too hard for your little ones to walk, but it’s pretty hard to find parking. I would take you in our car but…” he scanned the seven of us warily, “but our car only seats four.”
“Yeah…” my mom said, “We’ll walk.”
And we did.
Until next time.

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